. : Project Tinnelly : .

Scope of Project

The project involves an addition and a remodel to the one story single family residence.

Design Concepts:

> create a new experience through creative and functional design

> enhance & compliment the overall look and function of the interior

> unify & blend existing and new through aesthetic, organic flow,

feel & practical usability

> Supercustom : a unique, custom approach to design and details

Details of Scope:

Remodel the first floor of the existing 2 story residence

Kitchen : open concept

New layout : walls | cabinetry | appliances (48” o/s)

Doors & windows : new and/or rearrange existing

Pass-thru window (accordion or pivot type)

Remove existing soffit


Add (2) bi-fold doors : 6’x | 8’x (height per clg.ht.)

Create a lounge space in existing living room

Big ceiling fan

Dog space under existing stair to 2nd floor

Create a dining room for a 15 person dining table

Enhance the existing family room for entertainment

Details of Work:

Design Set

Design : design details | technical details | 2D plans + dimensions | 3D model & photorealistic renderings

Specifications : materials | finishes | fixtures | components | appliances | lighting (functional & accent)

[type, square footages, $/SF, total material cost, sourcing]

Permit Set

Plans : Architectural plans & details | Structural Engineering

plans & details | T-24 energy engineering

Specifications : notes | codes | documents & applications

Value Design & Engineering

Overall costs associated with innovative designs, design details, structure design & materials will be considered without

compromising on scope or quality.

Permit Approval

Obtain a building permit approval for Scope of Project from the

local Building Department

Assistance & Advice

effective oversight that designs & plans are being followed

during construction

Phase : Preliminary Design

Completed - 11/8/2023

We create the concept design, design details and begin selecting materials based on the Scope of Project.