. : Project Shookman : .
Scope of Project
The project involves an addition and a remodel to the one story single family residence.
Design Concepts:
> open concept : kitchen / living room / dining room
> unify & blend new areas : aesthetic, flow, feel, usability to complement the home
> consider overall curb appeal with new additions and alterations
> new aesthetically pleasing structure design and details
Details of Scope:
1) add a bedroom
2) add a half bath
3) expand kitchen and dining room towards rear of property
4) remodel kitchen layout
Details of Work:
- Design Set
> Interior Design : design & technical details | 2D plan | 3D model | photo realistic renderings
> Exterior Design : design & technical details | 2D plan | 3D model | photo realistic renderings
> Specifications : materials, finishes, fixtures, components, appliances, lighting (functional & accent)
[type, square footages, $/SF, total material cost, sourcing]
- Permit Set / Construction Documents
> Plans : Architectural plans & details | Structural Engineering plans & details
> Specifications : notes | codes | documents & applications | T-24 energy engineering
- Value Design & Engineering
> Overall design, design details, structure design & materials associated costs to be considered
- Professional Assistance & Advice
> finishes & components selections (digital and/or @showrooms)
> effective over-site that designs & plans are being followed during construction
- Obtain a building permit for Scope of Project from the City of RSM Building Department
- Obtain HOA approval for Scope of Project
Phase : Design Development
Work In Progress
We implement any requested changes and further develop the designs and design details.
Also, we document all materials and associated specifications for the project.
Phase : Preliminary Design
Completed - 9/18/2023
We create the concept design, design details and begin selecting materials based on the Scope of Project.