. : Project Garcia : .
The project involves an addition and a remodel to the one story single family residence.
Design Concepts:
> create a new experience through creative and functional design
> enhance & compliment the overall look and function of the interior
> unify & blend existing and new through aesthetic, organic flow,
feel & practical usability
> Supercustom : a unique, custom approach to design and details
Details of Scope:
Remodel the first floor of the existing 2 story residence
Kitchen : open concept
New layout : walls | cabinetry | appliances (48” o/s)
Doors & windows : new and/or rearrange existing
Pass-thru window (accordion or pivot type)
Remove existing soffit
Add (2) bi-fold doors : 6’x | 8’x (height per clg.ht.)
Create a lounge space in existing living room
Big ceiling fan
Dog space under existing stair to 2nd floor
Create a dining room for a 15 person dining table
Enhance the existing family room for entertainment
Details of Work:
Design Set
Design : design details | technical details | 2D plans + dimensions | 3D model & photorealistic renderings
Specifications : materials | finishes | fixtures | components | appliances | lighting (functional & accent)
[type, square footages, $/SF, total material cost, sourcing]
Permit Set
Plans : Architectural plans & details | Structural Engineering
plans & details | T-24 energy engineering
Specifications : notes | codes | documents & applications
Value Design & Engineering
Overall costs associated with innovative designs, design details, structure design & materials will be considered without
compromising on scope or quality.
Permit Approval
Obtain a building permit approval for Scope of Project from the
local Building Department
Assistance & Advice
effective oversight that designs & plans are being followed
during construction
Permit Set: Preliminary
Contractors, please only utilize the images & plots in this section.
Images, plots, engineering, etc. in this section are meant for the final design and is meant to be used by the contractors. Do not use any of the images, plots, etc. in any other section for the final construction. Please contact Milan with any questions, concerns, or any details pertaining to the project to ensure the correct design & construction of the project.
Click the image above to open the engineering & structural pdf.
Phase : Design Development
In Progress - 2/9/2024
We implement any requested changes and further develop the designs and design details.
Phase : Preliminary Design
Completed - 11/8/2023
We create the concept design, design details and begin selecting materials based on the Scope of Project.